Gulf Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Pensacola, FL - December 8, 2018

Jim Smelley
C. reticulata 'Jim Smelley'

Pensacola Camellia Club
December 8, 2018
University of West Florida
Conference Center
Pensacola, Florida

Show Chairman - Skip Vogelsang
1115 Blooms Exhibited
320 Attendees
45 Exhibitors

Gold Certificate (unprotected): 57 Blue Ribbons, Chuck & Bev Ritter
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 46 Blue Ribbons, Roger Vinson

Gold Certificate (protected): 112 Blue Ribbons, Jerry & Carol Selph
Silver Certificate (protected): 35 Blue Ribbons, Howard & Mary Rhodes


Best Bloom in Show, Unprotected - John R. & Jean Comber Memorial Award: VLg: 'Hall's Pride', Richard & Bette Hooton

Best Bloom in Show. Protected - John Edwards Memorial Award: Lg: 'Hulyn Smith', Jerry & Carol Selph


C. japonica unprotected:
VLg: 'Edna Bass Var.', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Lauren Tudor Pink Var.', Hunter Charbonnet
Lg: 'Nuccio's Pink Lace', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Carter's Sunburst', Roger Vinson
Md: 'Elaine's Betty Red Var.', Al & Vickie Baugh
RU: 'Black Magic', Skip Vogelsang
Sm: 'Les Marbury', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Brooke Var.', Roger Vinson
Mn - Blanche Olsen Memorial Award: 'Frances Council', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Men's Mini', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best White Bloom unprotected: Julia C. Taylor, Fred & Sandra Jones

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg: 'Pleasant Memories', Hunter Charbonnet
RU: 'Nancy Callaway', Richard & Bette Hooton
Lg: 'Holy Pure', Skip Vogelsang
RU: 'Evening Glow Pearl', Richard & Bette Hooton
Sm/Md: 'Adrienne Boueres', Richard & Bette Hooton
RU: 'Mary O'Donnell', Chuck & Bev Ritter

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet', Chuck & Bev Ritter
RU: 'Rose Bouquet', Roger Vinson
Md: 'First Blush', Paul Huerkamp
RU: 'Debbie', Richard & Bette Hooton
Mn/Sm: 'Spring Daze Var.', Richard & Bette Hooton
RU: 'Leah Gay', Al & Vickie Baugh


Best Tray of Three japonica - same variety unprotected - Charles & Jeanne Earnest Award: 'Man Size', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Best Tray of Three reticulata - same variety unprotected: No Entry,
Best Tray of Three hybrid - same variety unprotected: 'Phil Piet', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Best Tray of Three - any combination of varieties or species with one L/VL, one M/ML and one Min/Small unprotected 'Ray Gentry', 'Dick Hardison', 'Man Size', Chuck & Bev Ritter


C. japonica protected:
VLg: 'Show Time', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Edna Bass Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
Lg: 'Bobbie Fain Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Royal Velvet', Jerry & Carol Selph
Md: 'Deep Secret', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Betty Sheffield Pink Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
Sm: 'Les Marbury', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Tama Peacock', Jerry & Carol Selph
Mn: 'Tootsie', Howard & Mary Rhodes
RU: 'Fircone Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best White Bloom protected: 'Dorothy Chester', Jerry & Carol Selph

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
VLg: 'Frank Houser', Howard & Mary Rhodes
RU: 'Ruta Hagmann', Jerry & Carol Selph
Lg: 'Miss Tulare', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Valentine Day', Jerry & Carol Selph
Sm/Md: 'Adrienne Boueres Var.', Howard & Mary Rhodes
RU: 'Adrienne Boueres', Howard & Mary Rhodes

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Anticipation', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'James S. Reeve', Jerry & Carol Selph
Md: 'Debbie Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Betty Ridley Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
Mn/Sm: 'Twinkle Star', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Spring Daze', Jerry & Carol Selph


Best Tray of Three japonica - same variety protected: 'Kiku-toji', Jim Smelley
Best Tray of Three reticulata - same variety protected: 'Hulyn Smith', Jerry & Carol Selph
Best Tray of Three hybrid - same variety protected: 'Dancing Blaze', Jerry & Carol Selph
Best Tray of Three - any combination of varieties or species with one L/VL, one M/ML and one Min/Small protected: 'Bobbie Fain', 'Grand Marshal', 'Lipstick', Jerry & Carol Selph


Species (Sasanqua, Hiemalis, etc.):
BB: 'Kanjiro Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Shibori-Egao', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Seedling:
Lg/VLg: 'Royal Velvet #6', John Davy
Sm/Md: 'Coach Mathis', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Sport (Mutant): 'Daddy Mac', John Davy

Best Spray: 'Yuletide', Jill Nelson

NOVICE / STUDENT (Combined Japonicas, Reticulata & Non-Reticulata Hybrids)

Lg: 'Happy Birthday', Elaine Demandre
Md: 'Magnoliaeflora', Jill Nelson
Sm: 'Pink Perfection', Pat Moran
Mn: 'October Magic Inspiration', Pat Moran
Best Tray of Three-same variety: 'Pink Perfection', Pat Langford
Best Tray of Three-any combination:


Best Unprotected Pink Perfection Bloom - Alma Jordan Memorial Award: 'Pink Perfection', Roger Vinson

Best Kay Berridge - Kay Berridge Memorial Award (Prize Provided by the Great Fort Walton Beach Camellia Society): 'Kay Berridge', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best Peggy’s Blush - Don and Peggy Applegate Award: 'Peggy's Blush', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Unprotected Pensacola Developed Variety Bloom - Richard J. Hooton Five Flags Award: 'Lundy's Legacy', Skip Vogelsang

Best Antique Bloom (Pre 1937): 'Bella Romana', Jerry & Carol Selph